<aside> ⚠️ New Cartographer Web Site

This guide is for the new Cartographer web site at https://app.cartographer.io. If you are using the old web site please see the older copy of this guide.


Click on one of the Map links on your workspace home page or in the left-hand sidebar to view a map. Maps are best viewed when they’re large, so use the menu button in the top left to hide the sidebar and maximise the visible area:

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Selecting a Colour Scheme

The left-hand panel on the map page is called the inspector. It shows you information about visible markers and lets you browse the data they represent.

Click on a circular radio button to select a colour coding, and click an > icon to see a legend describing the symbology:

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Some maps have multiple layers. If you’re looking at one of these, the inspector will start off with the heading “Layers” at the top. Click on one of the layers to see the list of attributes described above. You can also toggle layers on/off with the checkboxes provided:

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Panning and Zooming

Click and drag on the background to pan around the map. Use the buttons in the top right and bottom left provide additional navigation options:

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Viewing Data at a Particular Location

The inspector panel shows a list of attributes displayed on the map. An attribute is a piece of data or a calculation, such as temperature, pH, or species spotted.

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