To access Cartographer you’ll need to be invited by the organisation you are working with. When they invite you, you will receive an email entitled “Welcome to Cartographer!”. that looks something like this:

<aside> ✉️ Hi NAME,

You are invited to join the WORKSPACE NAME workspace on Cartographer. […]

Click the link below to accept the invitation:


Afterwards, you'll be able to log in by going to the following web page and entering your email address (YOUR EMAIL) and your new password:


The password reset link will expire in 7 days after which it won't work any more. […]

Best regards, SENDER NAME


The email continues with a few tips, but the most important parts are the two links: the LONG LINK lets you set up a password, and the SHORT LINK lets you log in thereafter.

Setting Your Password

The long link in your welcome email lets you set a password on your account. You should click this link first, which will open a page in your web browser:


Enter a password in the text box provided. We impose a couple of restrictions to make passwords harder to guess:

<aside> ⚠️ Never, ever give your Cartographer password to anyone!

Our support staff will never ask you for it, and nobody else needs to have it!


Click “Set password” to save your password once you’re happy with it. You’ll be taken to the login page where you can use your new password to log in.

Once You’ve Set Your Password

The next time you need to log in to Cartographer, you can use the short link from your welcome email to access the web site (see ‣). Log in using the email address you used to receive the welcome email, and the password you set above.

What if You Forget Your Password?

The long link from your welcome email will expire once you have used it. If you forget the password on your account you can reset it by following the instructions for Setting or Resetting Your Password.

What if the Long Link Expires?

The long link from your welcome email will expire if you don’t use it within a certain number of days (the email will tell you how long). Even if you never used the link, you can still follow the instructions for Setting or Resetting Your Password to gain access to your account.